I'm thinking about becoming Jesus...

Patrick @PRIME

Age 29, Male


University of Minnesota


Joined on 11/1/07

Exp Points:
3,118 / 3,210
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5.92 votes
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B/P Bonus:
3y 1m 11d

PRIME's News

Posted by PRIME - February 2nd, 2009

okay, I just dug up some old flash files, and found skate mistake... I'd started to make a new one, but never finished, but now I feel like I should finish it. so now here is another update to my list--

> SkateMistake 2... (this has just moved to the top of my "to do list")

> Distorted View flash... (it's coming along fine...)

> A RE spoof...
(since the collab failed I figured I could ad on to one of mine... make it full length)

> Another awesome spoof... (this time it's gonna be good)

> A game... (not sure what yet)

> And Last but not least, a series that's based off of comics that I wrote when I was in 5th grade... (revamped of course)

now again, this is not a list from top to bottom, I'm kinda juggling all of them. But with out a proper mike, I can't do anything on the comic flash, awesome spoof, and the RE spoof. So It just depends on what happens to get done first.

Posted by PRIME - December 30th, 2008

So now where to go... I'm not sure what I want to work on... it's been a really long time since I've actually spent really working, and actually spending time on Ng.

guess it's just the christmas spirit that make me feel so happy and carefree, which in turn makes me feel it unnecessary to finish anything relevant and that might be worth posting, but that's exactly the point... the point is, is that I've seriously been slacking off. Since the REC2 flunked I'm sorta at a lost of what to do... Lately I've just been sitting around modding nerf guns it to dangerous weapons of mass destruction. I have a few projects I want to start working on... not necessarily in this order

> Another awesome spoof... (this time it's gonna be good)

> A RE spoof...
(since the collab failed I figured I could ad on to one of mine... make it full length)

> A game... (not sure what yet)

> And Last but not least, a series that's based off of comics that I wrote when I was in 5th grade... (revamped of course)

So I got my work cut out for me, I'll be busy, busy, busy (as soon as I find my tablet pen... and who knows how long that will take me... seriously with a schedule like mine I might never get to looking under the table.) and then I'll be able to dish out some awesome work that you'll all be able to enjoy. Unless it turns out to suck and either get blammed, or receive a very low score from all my loving fans, lol :) and if in that case you can go ahead and enjoy (or not) reviewing and degrading my work... Thanks! :)

Okay, so I just watched resident evil degeneration, and to be honest... I was a little disappointed. while over all it was a pretty good movie (plus it starred my two favorite characters) it lacked zombies... But what really pissed me off, is the fact that Leon and Claire didn't get together at the end, I mean seriously he'd rather go diving with that Angela, then Claire? I'd pick Claire any day... anyways... I'm sure you all have your own opinion on the movie so if you disagree then don't go spamming me... Not like anyone reads what I have to say... :(

Oh shit... While I had decided to work on my resident evil spoof, seeing as it would take the least amount of time, I was looking for my mike, when I found it in the other room I was thinking on how the movie should go... then I saw it... THE MIKE PIECE HAD BROKEN OFF! that's not possible! I stated. So now I'm stuck with no audio... I could work on the game... but I can't figure out the code for a game that I was working on... so I could start another one, but again I'm not that good at coding.

Okay, I have found something to do... so I was looking around on I tunes, when I found the podcast "Distorted View" so then I was listening to a few when I came across an awesome commercial type thing, I figured why not make this into a flash... so, with that I finally have work to do.

Posted by PRIME - August 21st, 2008

All the people who are involved with the RE collab to can use this page as a mini forums, here we can talk to each other, sorta like a private forum. Well, atleast it's easier than PMs all the time!
-24 fps
-550 x 400
-default background (white)

People who have joined:
-Me (PRIME45664)

oh and here's my first part preview (I need to do some editing...)
my character redesign
Also if you have a logo animation that you want in the collab... please send that to me with your parts...

Posted by PRIME - August 10th, 2008

wow, both with fair scores, today all I did on both of them was touch up work, but still... wow I'm beat...

Posted by PRIME - June 29th, 2008

I don't care what you say! I'm not giving up awesome... atleast not until I'm satisfied! I'm already in production of a new one... though I will not reveal anything yet. Please, I'm telling you that this one will be good!

Posted by PRIME - May 23rd, 2008

yeah I made this, And it looks great... I think... the reason behind this! I beat Metroid Prime this morning!

sweet metroid fanwork!

Posted by PRIME - May 21st, 2008

I wonder, if bush bread... what would it look like... creepy...


Posted by PRIME - April 18th, 2008

/* */
this is my friends video of 2 way to solve a rubik's cube. lol

Posted by PRIME - March 18th, 2008

(a happy smiley)

well I'm now officially taking part in the resident evil collab, witch is being hosted by ApothicFlash. And hopefully my older brother will let me keep my computer long enough.
in other news... I'm talking to my parents (sigh) about getting my own website, not just one from freewebs, so that (hopefully) will be something to cheer about.

so that's about it for now, oh and heres this cool forum banner I made for the collab.
yeah it's pretty cool right about now I have 3 parts done for the collab, and I'm starting the menu/preloader.

resident evil collab...

Posted by PRIME - February 18th, 2008

hmm... with my new tutorial with it's good score, mabey I should go into the tutorial business, what do you think?