I'm thinking about becoming Jesus...

Patrick @PRIME

Age 29, Male


University of Minnesota


Joined on 11/1/07

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PRIME's News

Posted by PRIME - October 8th, 2009

I recently posted some new artwork, so you should go check it out! I've found that this new way of making drawing things is looking a lot nicer the the stuff I was doing before. Keep a lookout, I'll be posting more later.

Also, for the very few of you who were wondering when I'm going to post my next video, it will be soon! After having so many delays, throughout the summer, I'm almost 4 months behind... But I just got my mac mini, and am in the process of ordering cs4, so it will arrive in the next few days. It really sucks, I had so many things planned, but I had to drop 2 projects already, so I'll do what I can...

Until next time,

click this

or just watch it here:

/* */

Posted by PRIME - September 20th, 2009

Well, the winners have been selected, and I agree, we have some amazing talent here on ng. I didn't win this year, but next year, you'd better watch out, cause here I come!!! so anyways, you can see the winners here.

while you're reading this feel free to check out my other art, plus my entry. I feel kinda bad that my entry wasn't chosen, but looking at what I can do now, compared to then, it's obvious that I could have been better. but I'm not gonna complain. I'd almost feel ashamed if mine was selected over some of those other one, especially sucho's, jouste's, and Matt-likes-swords's...

and now back to my prison, when I can do whatever. Flash stopped working on my friends computer... surprise, surprise. So my flash will not be finished before October, I honestly don't know when it will be, but whenever I get flash, I'll get crackn'...

until next time!!!

Posted by PRIME - September 13th, 2009

Since schools gotten started, I'm getting back into the swing of things, and I'm getting more work done. I was also blessed with one of the easiest schedules... I HAVE NO HOMEWORK!!!

so productions going a lot faster, and I'll most likely be finished with in the next week or two. I'm about a month behind, I'd originally planned this as a summer project, but do to flash 8 not working and the cs4 trial running out, I've had to push things back, but no fear I'll, get caught up!

I only have about 200 frames left, and some other work to compile it all into one fla. and stuff like that. here's what's another small preview not a very exciting picture, but a picture non-the-less. until next time! ;]

I'm hopeful...

Posted by PRIME - September 7th, 2009

hey, I haven't made a post in a while, and I figured, why the hell not. My resident evil animation should be done by now, but due to recent events, it isn't. Flash wasn't actually a full version, and was secretly only a 30 day trial, so now I'm left with a cs3 flash document, and a flash 8 program, so I can't work on it. But I have a friend who owns cs3, so I'll be working on his computer from time to time, I PROMISE I'LL GET IT FINISHED BEFORE OCTOBER!!!

Also I'm entering in the ng calendar contest, and my picture looks f**king sick! it'll probably be done tomorrow, so I'll upload it to my art page as well. I'm trying to do a paintbrush style coloring thingy, and it's turning out pretty good. you'll see what I'm talking about when it's done.

Well, that's about it! besides what I said above, school starts tomorrow, and I'm really not looking forward to it, besides having a intro to java programing class 1st tri...

Later! ;]

Posted by PRIME - July 12th, 2009

so I was working on my latest flash, which should be done by now, but to my dismay flash stopped working, like completely... I can open it, I can draw in it, I can even animate in it, but it won't help me, the audio won't play, and I need the audio! what's weird is that if I open audacity, and then try and run flash, it just crashes, I don't know what it is... but I think I need to update my software, and hardware...

I've been saving my money for a while, and I'm almost able to afford a mac mini, all my family's computers are mac, which can kinda suck sometimes, because when I mentioned that I was thinking of getting a PC they threatened me by pretty much saying that if I get a PC, then I'll be thrown out of the house, so I'll be getting a mac mini. I already have a monitor, so I'll only be spending about $600, that's cheap for a mac!

PS. I'm back from vacation!

until next time!!!
oh, and here is a preview of what's coming up -->

Shit can happen

Posted by PRIME - July 1st, 2009

I've been scouted, and I got a message saying that my art can now be displayed on the art portal, but now it says I haven't been scouted, wtf!!!

Art Portal What!!?? (glitched?)

Posted by PRIME - June 14th, 2009

check it out here: Grandma's Waffles

Posted by PRIME - May 17th, 2009

So now... 5 or so months into the year, I've finally submitted something... but now what? I sorta created a list of what I what to get accomplished this year... It sounds like a pretty reasonable thing to do. my next submission (one on the list) is probably going to be finished with-in a month.
NOTE: this list isn't in any order

>something about waffles

>Awesome parody

>Skate Mistake 2

>something else...

Posted by PRIME - April 5th, 2009

okay, so I'm still working on my game, but I decided that due to the upcoming pico day, I decided that I'd make the little game I was going to post into a pico day game, it's going to be basically the first level of my game, with different graphics...

so just be waiting for that, I'll keep you posted

Okay, Okay, Okay! so I'm not doing a pico day game, but... I am actually working on a project that I plan, and I mean it... to finish soon... so be on the look out for it!

PS. I don't know when I'll be done with the game, or ready to show you guys a demo... you'll just have to wait and find out...

Posted by PRIME - March 29th, 2009

I finally figured out what I'm doing... I'm making a game! now not some crappy game like my mario avoider, but an actual awesome game!

as for gameplay I haven't done that much, but as of right now, I'm working on the enemy AI and other important code, I'll be releasing a demo sometime in the near future that you can play.

the game in an old school NES type of game, I'm even using the NES 8-bit color palette, plus all the graphics are pixel graphics made in photoshop... it's very strenuous... but I will get it done!

and that's about it... I don't have much else to say, other than I'm actually getting started on a project that I plan to finish.

until next time!

UPDATE: 3/30/09
So I just got 1 of the enemy sprites done, and the AI just about right, just figuring out some small things...
that's about it for right now...

PS. I'll be updating often!

UPDATE: 3/31/09
This is turning out harder than I thought, I am slowly progressing, but with quite a bit of help from the forums... I honestly don't expect to finish till 2-3 months from now...